
When we pray, we never pray alone, even when we are physically alone.  We are in the company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and saints…especially our own guardian angel. The Communion of Saints reminds us that we are not alone in our earthly pilgrimage. We have heavenly  supporters and intercessors encouraging us upwards and onwards in their prayers.

Prayer is a mystery. It cannot be scientifically investigated.   It emerges from the call of the Lord Jesus in the secret depths of our hearts and assures us that he is present with all the hosts of heaven.

The Lord’s life that climaxed in his sacrificial offering on the Cross was the most complete prayer ever uttered. He prays from the Cross in an agony so intense that his death is a total act of love. He prays at every Eucharist when the bread is broken and the wine out poured. His is a love that encompasses earth and the entire cosmos drawing all to himself.  The Holy Name “Jesus” is the password to God’s Kingdom.

Christian prayer above all centres on Jesus Christ in the Church’s offering of the Eucharist. Our personal prayer life is an extension of the Eucharist.

We pray surrounded by angels and archangels and all the hosts of heaven. We also pray within the Life of the Blessed Trinity – Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Therefore we must see earth as a material aspect of heaven. Earth is one of the mansions or resting places that Jesus talks about in St John’s Gospel.

“In my Father’s house are many dwelling places.  (Mansions) (John 14:2) Earth is also the  house of God. Through the Holy Spirit he lives among us.

This is confirmed by St Paul in his letter to the Ephesians. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3)

 Just one more thought.  It isn’t necessary to use many words in our prayers. Calling with love on the Divine Name “Jesus” is an effective prayer.

The blind man’s cry “Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me,” related in the Gospel of Mark is a great prayer.  It can be shortened to two words – Jesus Mercy. Try it sometime.

Its simplicity commends it to us who are living during these complicated times. It’s known as the Jesus Prayer. “Lord Jesus Christ: have mercy on me,” can be prayed resting, standing, walking or working. It requires no great intellect or learning and becomes part of one’s very being. The Name Jesus, said with love, is prayer, and opens us to the Kingdom of God.  It is truly the password to Life.

 “Of your own will O God, you have brought into being all things which before were not, and by your providence you uphold the world.” (Byzantine Liturgy)


Rublev Trinity