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Orwell was right to comment that the best way to prevent people thinking things the State does not wish them to think is to change the language; if there is no word for dissent, then as a concept it ceases to exist; if you call it ‘racism’ or ‘homophobia’ and make those things ‘hate crimes’ you criminalize dissent; you might not be able to stop people having such thoughts, but you can send them for reeducation – or ‘sensitivity training’ as it is euphemistically called. That we have such things in the UK and accept them meekly shows the extent to which the concept of free speech is no longer understood. It is acceptable to tell adults what they must think; we must not, apparently, tell children this; they must not be given the tools to think for themselves; they might have ‘inappropriate’ thoughts.

A whole culture dies in this whimper. Where Hampden would tell King Charles what he could do with his ‘ship money’, where Bunyan could tell the bishop what to do with his edicts, and where John Wilkes could go to jail for libelling the King, where these things happened, men and women would declare their rights as free-born English and tell the authorities what they thought; aye, these men suffered, as did those whose activities in the unions so annoyed the bosses; now, their political descendants kow tow to political correctness.

Whatever the downsides, and I do not deny them, of Protestantism, it inculcated a spirit of freedom; no priestling would use hocus pocus to frighten us with stories of how, if we didn’t pay up, our loved ones would never get out of Purgatory; and when their Anglican successors tried to exert their ‘authority’, they too were defied by the plain words of Scripture. Everyman his own Pope is not a recipe for a quiet life; but I prefer it to tugging my forelock; but for all that, at least the Catholic Church was motivated by the desire to save men’s souls. The bossy folk with their clip boards and their ‘hate speech’ and their delations to the police or social workers, are just bossy little Hitlers, drunk on a little brief power. They are like ‘Sharkey’s men’ in the ‘scouring of the Shire’. Lickspittles, sneaks and opportunists. Men do not, as Chesterton (I think) remarked, cease to believe in anything when they cease to believe in God, they simply transfer their allegiance – usually to a sub-branch of Mammon.

If you begin with the basic building block of our culture across the ages, the family, Sharkey’s men abolish it. They begin where Satan began, with the man and the woman. Don’t worry about developing a relationship, just give in to your primal urges, oh, and don’t worry, there won’t be any consequences. Just have some drugs, ones with, of course, no side-effects, and you’ll not need to worry; oh, and if there is a .mistake’ and you have an ‘unwanted’ child, we’ll call it a foetus and kill it; you can get it on the NHS, which means it’s free (except for the taxes needed to support it, and the resources it takes from actually saving lives). They, freed to the ‘burden’ of children, you can get on with rutting, and buy lots of lovely things to fill your empty lives with; if you go off sex, we can give you more drugs, and if you go off your partner, don’t worry, have a new one, of better still, change your ‘sexual preferences’ and try it all ways; our version of paradise is the dream of the rue down the ages. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you will die – but not before you have consumed more than you can afford. Don’t worry, by the way, about the fact you can’t afford this stuff, we’ll lend you the money.

So, we begin by destroying the basic structure – man, woman, family, a solid unit which can build a life for its members. But what’s that, there’s still an organisation in our society which wishes to preserve this basic structure – best get on with undermining that. Sharkey’s men know we can’t live with them and their trashy values.